The Author

About the Author

David Clarke  –  History Walks, Talks and Books.

The Author

David is the creator and author of 1066 Harold’s Way, the long distance walk inspired by King Harold’s epic march to the Battle of Hastings and included occasional reports from The Saxon Times to bring 1066 alive to modern day walkers.

Researching, exploring and discovering all things 1066 provided David with the opportunity to write a complete review of that fateful year in the form of The Saxon Times.

The Saxon Times explains the great events of that tumultuous year in an original, educational and entertaining format.

David’s considers that his experience as a teacher and his membership of the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild, CAMRA, The Inn Sign Society, The Ramblers and the Long Distance Walkers Association to be a perfect match for walking, talking and writing.

David’s books include; 1066 Harold’s Way, Walking the High Weald (Three Castles and an Ironmaster’s House) and he continues to write new walks for his popular series of History Walks books that explore and discover the rich history of Hastings, Rye, Battle and 1066 Country.